Clear Minds CBT

What is CBT?

Understanding the Basics of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an evidence based therapy. It empowers individuals to explore the intricate connection between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, paving the way for positive and lasting change.

Unravelling the Core Concepts

The basic links

At the heart of CBT lies the recognition that our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours are interconnected, each influencing and shaping the others. CBT works on the basis that by understanding and altering these components, individuals can transform negative patterns and make positive change.

CBT operates on the premise that our minds can sometimes distort reality through cognitive distortions – irrational and negative thought patterns. Recognising and challenging these distortions is a key aspect of CBT. By doing so, individuals can reshape their thinking and, consequently, their emotional responses.

The Therapeutic Process

Collaborative and Goal orientated

CBT is a collaborative process between the therapist and the individual seeking help. Together, they set specific, measurable, and achievable goals. This goal-oriented approach provides a clear roadmap for therapy, ensuring that progress is tangible and measurable.

Practical Techniques and in between session tasks

Unlike some therapeutic approaches, CBT is action-oriented. Therapists equip individuals with practical tools and techniques that can be applied in their daily lives. In between session tasks are agreed collaboratively to reinforce learning and encourage the consistent application of new skills.